On June 22, Alex Sheen could’ve spent his evening at the movies or with friends and family. He could’ve gotten in a workout or taken his dog for a leisurely walk. He could’ve spent the evening watching one of the latest movies on Netflix.
Instead, Alex Sheen spent his Saturday night standing outside of a busy bar offering rides to people he had never met — for free. He stood with a sign saying:
“Hi, my name is Alex. If you have been drinking tonight, I’d like to offer you a free ride home. Someone I know killed a man while drinking and driving one year ago tonight. In honor of the man who died, I’d like to help keep the roads safe. I’ll even bring you back to your car tomorrow.”
The “someone” Alex was talking about was Matthew Cordle. Cordle, with the assistance of Sheen, confessed in an emotional video on YouTube that he was responsible for killing someone while driving intoxicated. From the confession video, Sheen started the “Because I Said I Would,” movement. According to ABC News, this movement is devoted solely to bringing good into the world.
On Saturday, June 22, Sheen was doing just that by offering rides to individuals who had been drinking. Throughout the night, Sheen even posted images of himself with his passengers. Some of his passengers included a rowdy bachelorette party, a young couple celebrating their new home purchase, and a supposed music aficionado.
While we all can’t be as helpful and as generous as Alex Sheen and devote our evenings to giving out free car rides, we can do almost the same thing by simply being safe drivers and encouraging our friends and family to do so as well. Everyone makes mistakes, though, and if you do find yourself charged with a DWI, be sure to contact the DWI attorneys at Harmon, Smith & Vourvoulias, LLC.
Photo Credit: <a href=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/15779944@N00/4091836335/”>stevelyon</a> via <a href=”http://compfight.com”>Compfight</a> <a href=”https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/”>cc</a>