Traffic camera fines to collections: Louisiana State Senate committee

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Traffic camera tickets were the subject of a recent political debate in the Louisiana Senate. The Louisiana Senate Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works voted 4-2 against a bill that would have prohibited the use of private agencies to collect on unpaid traffic camera tickets.

Senate Bill 102 was filled by New Orleans Louisiana Senator J.P. Morrell and had the support of Harmon, Smith & Vourvoulias attorney, Senator Gary L. Smith, Jr. of Norco. The bill can be heard again as the vote against the bill keeps it in committee.

We agree with the bill’s sponsor that Louisiana cities and parishes have other ways top track down ticket scofflaws, including “booting” cars, without providing unpaid tickets to a collections agency. Furthermore, the majority of the fees do not go to the municipalities, but rather go to the agencies and companies themselves.

Senator Morrell has stated that “we certainly don’t wan’t someone who cannot afford to pay a traffic ticket to be unable to purchase a house because their credit score is adversely affected. Although I believe that we should give the city every tool available to collect any fines, this one seems like a large stick to be using on people over something that is a very controversial program.”

Senator Morrell has also proposed a bill that would give traffic court appellate jurisdiction and allow drivers to appeal the traffic camera ticket at no additional cost. No legislative action has been takedn on this bill as of the time of this posting.

If you or anyone you know has received a traffic ticket, call the attorneys at Harmon Smith & Vourvoulias immediately at 504-717-2093 for a free consultation. Our experienced traffic ticket lawyers are available to give you the help you need to protect your rights.

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By George Vourvoulias

George is a founding member and managing member of Harmon, Smith & Vourvoulias L.L.C., a New Orleans law firm. George concentrates his practice in maritime personal injury, construction litigation, personal injury, workers' compensation, medical malpractice, and DUI defense. George Vourvoulias's Google+ Profile